Piedra rocalla
Facilita a tus loros el forrajeo más natural. Esta piedra con agujeros no solo les permitirá desarrollar su conducta de búsqueda de comida, sino que además podrán mordisquearlo y caminar por encima, limando así su pico y patitas, y fomentando desplazarse por un sitio con desnivel. úsala como bandeja de forrajeo poniendo su comida o escondiendo premios
💙 Precio por una unidad, tamaño entre 12/18cm
IMPORTANTE: cada piedra es única e irrepetible. Se han escogido según su forma para poder cumplir su función de hacer de "bandeja". En las imágenes tienes varios ejemplos de lo variables y diferentes que son entre si.
natural product, none of this will be a defect
All our natural products can present:
- Fissures
- Irregularities
- Moss
- Sand or mud
And with this, none of that will be categorized as a defect or reason for return. Each piece is unique and special, none is the same as the previous one and that is part of the charm of our products. Remember that none of this is bad for them and you will have the most natural product possible.
Disinfection of natural products
Our products are delivered perfectly disinfected , with a double preparation process (depends on the product), the first step to eliminate all possible bugs (baked or frozen), the second for disinfection and elimination of bacteria, with f10. But remember that natural or fresh products (bouquets, grass, plants) are delivered to be suitable for use in parrots, and with this we do not use pesticides or aggressive procedures that could affect the health of your animals. We always check, but sometimes there is the possibility that an ant, worm or small bugs sneak in. It is not usually normal, but it can happen. Don't suffer, it doesn't do them any harm, on the contrary, they can eat them. Above all, don't throw chemicals! Remove the bugs from the outside and that's it. If you have questions, send me a message and I'll tell you more.
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