Ramo navideño
Un ramo para loros o para humanos. Un bouquet precioso de gran tamaño con inspiración navideña realizado con elementos totalmente aptos para loros, algo difícil de encontrar.
★ Ramas frescas con un aroma increíble que envolverá su espacio de abeto y eucalipto
★ Piña para aportar un toque crujiente al conjunto
★ Flores frescas de clavel y crisantemo
★ Rama de hojas rojas de ciruelo
TIP y CONSEJOS: recuerda que esto es un producto totalment fresco pero como ramas y flores cortadas, pasados los días irán perdiendo fuerza y color. Desde esetéese se enviará envuelto con papel mojado y bolsa de plástico para mantenerlo durante el viaje y te recomendamos mantenerlo en un jarrón o vaso con agua para alargar su vida. Una vez seco seguirá teniendo olor y podrá seguir teniendo uso decorativo y destructivo para tus loros.
MEDIDAS: 60x40
natural product, none of this will be a defect
All our natural products can present:
- Fissures
- Irregularities
- Moss
- Sand or mud
And with this, none of that will be categorized as a defect or reason for return. Each piece is unique and special, none is the same as the previous one and that is part of the charm of our products. Remember that none of this is bad for them and you will have the most natural product possible.
Disinfection of natural products
Our products are delivered perfectly disinfected , with a double preparation process (depends on the product), the first step to eliminate all possible bugs (baked or frozen), the second for disinfection and elimination of bacteria, with f10. But remember that natural or fresh products (bouquets, grass, plants) are delivered to be suitable for use in parrots, and with this we do not use pesticides or aggressive procedures that could affect the health of your animals. We always check, but sometimes there is the possibility that an ant, worm or small bugs sneak in. It is not usually normal, but it can happen. Don't suffer, it doesn't do them any harm, on the contrary, they can eat them. Above all, don't throw chemicals! Remove the bugs from the outside and that's it. If you have questions, send me a message and I'll tell you more.
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