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Fabricación de 10 a 15 días laborables


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Sale price€28,80
So many functional materials together are a paradise for our parrots. I'll tell you everything it includes and what you can do with this wonder:
💚 Use as a rigid ladder, joining several elements, hanging from the ceiling, completely horizontal as a tray, resting on the floor, etc. It has 4 attachment points, use as many as you want!
💙 Climb or walk along the bamboo poles and rope, either in the center or on the outer projections
💚 Have fun along the way breaking flowers
💙 Having the tube base and the interlocking sticks will allow us to use it as a foraging tray with obstacles (they do not enter underneath, there is no danger).
💚 Hide food in bags and put it between the spaces.

MATERIALS Cork tube with a wooden layer, bamboo sticks, yucca flowers, corn discs, 6mm sisal rope, cloth.

PARADISE Sale price€28,80

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