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Sale price€12,80

Our famous silica sand, the one that you have been using for so long as the base of our flywheels, is now available for sale in small format and complemented with other elements . Mix playa was born with the idea of ​​not only using beautiful 100% natural, finite and white sand , but also, as always, we want to add something more and make it more complete for you (and them). I tell you:
💙 2.2 kg of silica sand
💚 300 gr of seashells and snails, of different sizes (between 7 and 2 cm), thicknesses and textures, so you can hide the food between them, use them as mini plates, and obviously as decoration. To accompany and provide more materials and textures, little stars and birch hearts (in the photo they are made of eucalyptus, but currently we make them from birch since they are thicker and more resistant)
💙 Beach Mix comes in a presentation format with a fully reusable 100% organic cotton bag, inside you will find the sand and another kraft paper bag with the shells and eucalyptus figurines.

This mix is ​​completely reusable , you can sift the sand and you will have it perfect again to use again. Remove food remains and feces, select the shells and items you want to reuse, if it is dirty, clean it, if it is clean you can use it again as many times as you want.

Remember that the shells are 100% natural, with different shapes, thicknesses, and colors, and that no bag will ever be the same or contain the same marine species.

BE CREATIVE , create your own toys, designs and trays. Let your imagination go!

BEACH MIX Sale price€12,80

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