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Sale price€16,80
Do you remember the mythical image of the Little Prince sitting on the moon ? Luna is born from a very wide half-ring of cork with an endless number of other things, in order to recreate that image and provide our little ones with an idyllic perch.
💚Fixed perch with a lot of surface area (8cm wide), thanks to its way of placement they will be able to perch either on the inside of the moon or on the upper end.
💙Wherever they are, they have little things to distract them, like the yucca flower, the barley, and the raffia curlicue.
💚The cork ring provides a lot of material to destroy
💙Once all the materials have been destroyed, you still have a permanent innkeeper
💙You can hide food and prizes among the flowers and also replace the seeds at the top and put whatever you want in the hole.

MATERIALS cork ring, barley, yucca flower, raffia curlicue, cloth, washer rod and galvanized steel wing nut (fixed system).

MOON Sale price€16,80

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